David Bobek

DevOps Engineer in Vienna

Read my articles

About Me

Hello, my name is David Bobek, a driven DevOps Engineer with the focus on leveraging technology to solve complex problems.

My Skills

  • Python 🐍
  • Rust 🦀
  • DevOps (Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes) 🛠️
  • Machine Learning (Scikit-learn, PyTorch) 🤖
  • Data Science (Pandas/ Numpy) 🧠
  • Rest-API (Flask, FastAPI) ⚡
  • Databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j) 🛢
  • Version Control (Git, GitHub) 🐙
  • Self-Driving Cars: 🚗


  • Segmentation in Computer Vision: Unraveling the Enigma of Image Processing 🖼️
  • Neural Networks are the Pinnacle of Future Discovery 🧠
  • How to Extract Lung Images from CT-Scan DICOMs Using Python: A Step-by-Step Guide 📊
  • Mathematical Insights: Exploring Edge Detection, Kernels, and Filters in Computer Vision 🔍
  • Work
    • TTTech-Auto
  • Education
    • IMC Krems - Informatics