David Bovis ☯
Nr Cambridge UK
David Bovis ☯
Nr Cambridge UK
I have a passion for neuroscience and psychology and the application of this rapidly developing knowledge base to leadership development in all walks of life.
Parenting, Pedagogy, Patient Care, Production, Policing or Politics ... People are people. Coming from a very strong 'Lean manufacturing' background i've combined my passion with my practical experience to create an approach, I and many others believe is desperately required.
This is the intro to my 'Leadership, Culture change and Strategy' Master Class.
The most expensive and yet most profitable resource in an organisation is the Human Resource.
Extensive & expensive failures in economies, organisations, divisions, departments and teams are always a result of ‘Human Factors’, including individual characteristics and personality traits, errors of judgement and physical mistakes.
Equally, the most lucrative organisational improvements are also associated to ‘Human Factors’, including new ideas, which lead to new technologies, efficient and effective methods and high performance cultures; where people are enabled to demonstrate discipline, control, empowerment, ownership, engagement, autonomy, innovation, creativity, passion, courage, alignment, confidence, happiness and a socialised commercial awareness.
Positive or negative, performance as measured in the factory, directed from the board-room or reported by the accounts team are an outcome of traits and characteristics which occur in brains.
i.e. ‘Human Factors’.
To maximise organisational benefits and minimise damage related to Human actions and reactions, it is absolutely essential for leadership teams to have an understanding of the brain and how it reacts to it’s prevailing conditions. Consciously creating ‘brain friendly’ conditions has been shown to significantly improve organisational Performance, Strategy, Structure, Policy, Process and Procedure.
Understanding the latest science behind such ‘Human Factors’ empowers leadership teams with a very real competitive advantage. Such advantage requires leaders understand new concepts and principles which come with new and sometimes challenging language.
In this Master Class, leadership teams will be introduced to these n