David Hawthorne

Vedic Astrologer, Author, & Educator in Fairfield, Iowa

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I spent most of my youth growing up in San Francisco. I lived in the Haight-Ashbury district during the "bohemian/beatnik/flower-children/hippie" days of the 1960s. I learned Transcendental Meditation in 1973 while working in advertising, which eventually helped me to become president of my own firm. I moved to Fairfield, Iowa in 1986 to meditate twice a day with hundreds of other "meditators" on what was then the campus of Maharishi International University. A year later I had my first Vedic astrology reading with an astrologer from India and immediately began my Vedic astrology studies. I went on to receive a Master's degree, Professorship and the titles Jyotish Bhanu and Jyotish Acharya from the Systems' Institute of Hindu Astrology in Gurgaon, India. In 1999, I co-authored "Astrology for Life", based on the Systems' Approach to Vedic Astrology as developed by my co-author, Professor V.K. Choudhry. I am now president of the International Institute of Predictive Astrology (IIPA.net) with a membership of more than 800 Vedic astrologers worldwide. My role as a Vedic astrologer is to help my clients understand HOW the planets are operating in their horoscopes, WHEN the planets are operating (the timing of events in life) and WHAT they can do to better manage the "karma" indicated in their horoscopes. All setbacks in life are due to the past-life karma which is reflected in the horoscope by the weak and afflicted planets. My position is that EVERYTHING in a horoscope is pre-destined and WILL come to pass -- BUT ANYTHING in a horoscope can be changed! The change comes by doing planetary remedies for your horoscope. My slogan is "Fix Your Chart, Fix Your Life". To learn more about the divine insights in your own horoscope please visit my website: www.astroview.com. In the meantime, I wish you and yours all the best in health, happiness, peace, prosperity and spiritual progress.

  • Work
    • President, Astroview, Inc.