David Lam

Los Altos, California, United States

Born in Boston, raised in Silicon Valley. Stanford BS and MA, MIT Sloan MBA. Started career in investment banking at Robertson Stephens, subsequently spent several years with large and small technology companies Cisco Systems, ONI Systems, CIENA Corp., and Panasas. Entered the investment business in 2005 by joining the SIlicon Valley office of The Carlyle Group. Led US operations for pioneering China VC firm WI Harper Group, grew assets under management by 72% during tenure. Currently Managing Director at WestSummit Capital, a leading China-based global tech growth equity fund backed by China's most prestigious financial institution. Board President of AAMA, a non-profit founded in 1979 dedicated to bringing together tech professionals in Silicon Valley who share a passion for doing business in Asia. Live in Los Altos with wife and four children.

  • Work
    • WestSummit Capital Management
  • Education
    • Stanford University
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology