David Vaassen
Creative Entrepreneur in Auckland, New Zealand
CEO /Founder at Brandkit® and Robot Collector.
My Personal Motto: Why zig when you can zag?
In addition to my regular work building and operating brand management software and service businesses, I advise companies on brand strategy and facilitate strategic brand discovery workshops and have developed a number of Brand Identities, Marketing Creative and websites for clients.
Auckland born, bred and headquartered, I've worked with clients around the globe, household brandnames, large enterprises, government and creative agencies.
Remember to zag often ....and beware of robots.
Happy branding :)
or the alt bio (courtesy of an altMBA prompt):
"David wrangles brands for a living.
Helping hundreds of brands, craft and share their visual story.
While his customers and their creatives, toil over their designs. David and his small team of trusted designers and developers, create software, that marketing teams use to, define, find, organise, curate and distribute their brand identity and visual content.
Now Designers, Creators and Marketing folk can Brand Happy :)"