Helen Davis


Helen A. Davis, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Board Certified Ophthalmologist

Eye Physician and Surgeon

Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

Mailing Address: 741 N. Church Street, Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666

Phone: 412-260-4247 (Mobile)

Home: 412-374-8883

E-Mail: HDavisEyes@AOL.COM

Employment: Davis Eye Group, Pittsburgh, PA 1987 – Present

Wyman Park Hospital, Ophthalmology Dept., Baltimore, MD 1984-1987

Fellowship: Katzen Eye Group, Mercy Hospital, University of Maryland, affiliate,

Baltimore, Maryland, 1983-1984, Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Residency: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, 1979-1982, Ophthalmology

Internship: Faulkner Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, 1978-1979, Internal Medicine

Medical School: Tufts Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1974-1978, Medical

Degree, 1978 Undergraduate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1971-1974, Bachelor of

Science, 1974

Post-Graduate: University of Pittsburgh Katz School of Business, Urban Power To Prosper,

Class of 2012

Appointments Vice President, Gateway Medical Society 2012

& Board Memberships: PA Governor's Tourism Partnership, 2007 – 2009 Foundation Board Member: Westmoreland County Community College

Youngwood, PA, 1992 – 2009

Ophthalmology Physicians Advisory Board; Blue Cross-Blue Shield of

Western Pennsylvania, 2000.

Co-Chairperson, Pittsburgh NAACP May 1999 Human Rights Dinner

Medical Director, Civic Health Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1997- Present

President, Chi Delta Mu Medical Society, Western Pennsylvania Region,

Pittsburgh, PA, 1994-1996

Secretary, Gateway Medical Society, Pittsburgh, PA 2010-Present

Medical Director, Civic Health Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1997- Present

President, Chi Delta Mu Medical Society, Western Pennsylvania Region,

Pittsburgh, PA, 1994-1996

Secretary, Gateway Medical Society, Pittsburgh, PA 2010-Present

Executive Committee, Gateway Medical Society, Pittsburgh, PA


Clinical Instructor, University of Pittsburgh Medical School, Dept. of

Ophthalmology, Pittsburgh, PA 1991 - Present

Clinical Assistant Professor, Chatham U