Makie Dawson

Busan, South Korea

Makie Dawson

Busan, South Korea

Hello.. (안녕하세요)

Me at a glance: I am a Korean adoptee, a Rotary Youth Exchange Student, a girl, a deep thinker, a KPOP fan, a friend, a younger sister, a daughter, a cousin, a niece, and not normal. The not normal part is the most important part. I don't know why anyone would want to be normal, to fit in. It doesn't seem like much fun does it?

Well, a little bit more about me, my name is Makie Dawson. My Korean name is 박 지윤, Park JiYoon. I'm a teenaged girl and from a small town in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. I was born in South Korea, but adopted by a wonderful family when I was just 3 months old. Since then I've been back to Korea 3 times, and now I'm studing abroad as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student from August 2012 until June 2013. I am studying at Busan KyunSang College (부산 경상 대학교) with a major in Broadcasting Entertainment.

My hobbies include reading, writing short fiction, learning Korean, watching movies and TV shows, drawing and procrastinating. In case anyone is wondering, I am a Doctor Who fan (GO WHOVIANS~!!), but I also enjoy cartoons and NCIS. I like almost any type of movies EXCEPT horror movies. I'm kind of weak-hearted when it comes to those kinds of things. I draw in my own style and recently I've been taking to painting.