Versatile Technology Professional in Bengaluru/Bangalore, India


Welcome to my profile! I'm Malvin, a versatile technology professional with a strong focus on Cybersecurity. I apply my expertise in Cybersecurity across multiple domains, including Blockchain, Data Science & AI, Cloud Computing (DevOps, DevSecOps), DevNet, CyberOps, OffSec, Backend Development, APIs (ReST & GraphQL), and Consulting.

🔒 Cybersecurity:
I ensure the protection of sensitive information and mitigate risks using robust security measures. Proficient in tools like Nessus, Burp Suite, Wireshark, Metasploit, and Nmap, I identify vulnerabilities and safeguard networks and applications.

🔗 Blockchain:
I implement secure and transparent solutions by leveraging my knowledge of Blockchain principles. With tools like Ganache, Geth, Solidity, and blockchain development frameworks, I integrate smart contracts and explore decentralized networks.

📊 Data Science & AI:
Using Python's pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch, I analyze data, build machine learning models, and make data-driven decisions.

☁️ Cloud Computing (DevOps, DevSecOps):
Proficient in various cloud platforms, I enable organizations to migrate, build, and scale infrastructure. Using Jenkins, GitLabCI/CD, Kubernetes, Ansible, and Terraform, I streamline software development workflows. I'm skilled in managing Linux-based systems, employing bash scripting and PowerShell.

🛡️ CyberOps, DevNet, & OffSec:
I monitor, detect, and respond to security incidents in CyberOps. As a DevNet professional, I enhance network infrastructure using tools like Cisco DevNet, API integrations, and automation. In OffSec, I conduct ethical hacking and penetration testing to ensure comprehensive security measures.

💻Backend Development:
Proficient in Python, JavaScript, and frameworks like Django, Flask, and Node.js, I develop scalable applications. I work with CMS platforms like WordPress, Ghost, and headless CMS solutions like Saleor E-Commerce. Microservices, JWT, and GIT are part of my skill set.

🔄 Agile Methodology:
Using tools like Jira, Trello, and Kanban boards, I adopt an agile approach for efficient project management and collaboration.

With a consulting background, I provide strategic guidance to optimize technology infrastructure and maximize ROI.

If you're seeking a versatile professional who delivers measurable results, automates processes, and develops secure solutions, let's connect to drive innovation and achieve your goals.

  • Education
    • Master of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)