Dave Fleishman

Biography? What to put down without sounding vain, contrite, boastful, arrogant, dismissive, pathetic, worrisome, bothersome, colloquial, parochial, hokey, stupid, inane, trite, boorish, rude, annoying, flippant, wasteful, testy, tough, nutty, silly, strange, ordinary, grumpy, sneezy, dopey, ordinary, clumsy, mushy, frail, dizzy, nosy, scary, sad, long-winded, crazy, irksome, handsome, obsequious, fallacious, prickly, itchy, tame, tart, ambiguous, condescending, heroic, spastic, disruptive, unpatriotic, overbearing, underwhelming, caustic, vindictive, evil, boring, horrible, creepy, lazy, complacent, pushy or flatulent? Better to say nothing, methinks. Except that I was once a writer for a humor magazine. The Old Ways die hard. If you really want to know the gory details, send an e-mail to me first, telling me about YOU. Then I'll decide how much I want to disclose.