Dean Penny
France, La Rochelle
I am a little bit ashamed, but let's start out presenting myself!
I am Dean Penny, I am 20 and live in France. I like technology generally together with videogames, however you could currently seen that from the blog's title.
At the age of 8 years, I played my first video game, and from that moment I began to enjoy all of them. Exactly why I decided to start a website on my passion, exclusively now?
Regrettably, none of my friends in the real world likes PCs and videogames, and so I need to share my passion with someone who really likes video games, and maybe will read happily my articles. I am not going to post random bullshit or something just like that, I want my readers to follow me because of the real utility of my guides and the news I enable you to get from time to time. I promise on my own honor that I will not disappoint you!