Deana Hudson

Wichita, Kansas

Deana Hudson

Wichita, Kansas

A Mom with a Dream and a Vision who has Chosen a Secure way in Life to Achieve the Ultimate Success! Put your Struggles behind You Today and Come Follow Me!

My love for life & God has always helped, and inspired me to become more, be more, and have more in my life. I am a Personal Wellness Coach, and Business Entrepreneur helping people improve their personal and financial situations.

I help people make changes in themselves that will improve their lives, so that they can better achieve their personal as well as their professional goals. Helping people is one of my passions, and I would love to see more live happier, healthier, and successful lives.

So I have made it my mission is to empower people to live at their full potential, and get out of their 9-5 routines, and show them how to thrive… not just survive. I would love, and be honored to see what I can help you improve through your life’s Journey

  • Work
    • FGXpress PowerStrips-Powerful Pain Relief