Dean Berg

You probably don’t care about my entire history, but I’ll try to hit the highlights as a means of providing you with a little more perspective on where some of my thoughts and opinions come from. For numerous reasons, I've become extremely interested in how digital media (internet, blogs, social media, etc.) can be leveraged to increase the quality of healthcare. I've taken this passion and coupled it with my marketing background to contribute to a very solid program that healthcare professionals can use to promote their brand to ultimately acquire more patients. Is digital media mainstream? No, but it soon will be and it’s exciting to be part of the evolving movement. Historically, my education and career have meandered through various disciplines. I guess that you could say that I enjoy new challenges! After graduating with a BS in Manufacturing Engineering, I started my career with a small CAD/CAM software company in Minneapolis called CAMAX. After 7 years and wearing hats from customer support to pre-sales engineering to product marketing, I shifted to a similar but broader company called Stellent. Stellent focused on the development of Enterprise Content Management systems. I further expanded my experiences with Stellent by wearing such hats as Product Management and Product Marketing, Business Development and Compliance evangelist. Lastly, I made an easy shift to a global localization provider called Sajan. Sajan focuses on the technology and services related to the development of localized (translated into various languages) content. For the past 4 years at Sajan, I’ve carried numerous sales roles. I currently reside in the Boston area with my incredibly understanding wife and beautiful daughter. In between the numerous activities that my daughter is involved in, I enjoy scuba diving the frigid New England waters, working on our 120 year old house and rock climbing.