Dean Vagnozzi

Owner in Collegeville, PA

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Dean Vagnozzi has led as founder and CEO of A Better Financial Plan since 2004. The company has achieved success by questioning the conventional wisdom of traditional financial planners who suggest most people tie up their assets in individual retirement accounts, 401k plans, and other strategies linked to performance of the stock market. Noting that the stock market can be volatile, Dean Vagnozzi teaches his clients how to use life insurance, real estate, and alternative investments outside of Wall Street to generate larger and more consistent returns.

Dean Vagnozzi launched A Better Financial Plan after finding success with his own investments by using the strategies he now shares with his clients. In addition, he draws upon business experience gained while working in business development and consulting for companies such as Deloitte Consulting and Intelligroup.

An accounting graduate of Albright College, Dean Vagnozzi is also an author. In 2016, he published A Better Financial Plan: Significantly Improve Your Finances without the Help of Wall Street, which introduces the investing techniques he has honed over the past 15 years.

For more information about Mr. Vagnozzi and A Better Financial Plan, please visit

  • Work
    • A Better Financial Plan
  • Education
    • Albright College