Deborah Lubbe

In March of 2011 I was granted the amazing opportunity to live and work in Hyderabad, India within the low-income education sector as a particpant in the IDEX Fellowship in Social Enterprise. The IDEX fellowship is a field placement in low-income schools which offers cultural and social immersion into the field of social business.

During my time in India I have had the opportunity to:

  • Coordinate and execute a TOMS Shoes Giving Event
  • Volunteer as a Social Media Manager for a small non-profit, VOICE 4 Girls, which tackles gender equality issues through the usage of a 4-week gender and empowerment focused Summer camp in low-income areas of India.
  • Co-collaborate and implement the following IDEX projects: Design For Change, IDEX Spelling Bee, International Pen Pal Program, Story Time Reading/Writing Program, ASK Teacher Modules, IDEX Financial Toolkit for school correspondants and future fellows, and "USE Your Tools" Program

This experience has given me the opportunity to tangibly contribute to a developing social eco-network and expand my knowledge of cross sector solutions to obstacles challenging quality education in low-income regions.

Presently, I am seeking job opportunities and conversations centered around social benefit spaces. It would be a pleasure to talk over Skype or grab a cup of Joe upon my return to Atlanta in April.

Will work for hope,
