Defamation Monitor

The Internet is a wonderful place for many reasons, but the instantaneous communication without any control over who posts what is not one of those reasons. The Internet is a place where anonymous commenters can vent by posting anything, including demonstrably untrue things, about anyone. These comments can be read by anyone, anywhere, and are usually very easily found. This can do untold damage to the reputations of businesses, organizations, and individuals who do not deserve it. If this is a concern for you, you should look into making use of Defamation Monitor.

Defamation Monitor is a state of the art tool developed by Repumatic, an online reputation management company. Defamation Monitor is a free tool that allows individuals, companies, and organizations to set up alerts that will let them know when they have been defamed online. The alerts cannot stop defamation from occurring, but they allow the individual to see what is happening and form a plan to deal with it before it becomes problematic.