Deidre Hardiman

Houston, Tx Usa

I develop fit for purpose content through interviews and meetings with subject matter experts. My strength is translating technical ideas and concepts into material that less technical business people understand.

My projects from the last year include:

  • Creating a user guide for software that supports iol field operations.
  • Documenting the process and work flows for a local nonprofit organization.
  • Writing internal service descriptions and process diagrams for the IT department of an engineering company.

Find more about my professional experience at View my portfolio by clicking the dropbox icon below. There you will find:

  • A brochure for the local Society of Technical Communications chapter.
  • A short promotional piece used on the Shea Writing and Training 2014 Houston Rodeo advertisement.

Given the opportunity I will talk your ear off about bicycle touring in France.

  • Work
    • Shea Writing and Training Solutions
  • Education
    • Golden Gate University