Dena al-Atassi

Nashville, Tn, Usa

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Hi! I’m a Syrian American currently living in Nashville, TN, but I was born and raised in warm, sunny Florida! I recently returned from three years of teaching chemical and biological sciences in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

I am a graduate student studying reproductive medicine. In my free time, I indulge wholeheartedly in my entrepreneural addictions. I like to write, sing, DIY, and of course spend time with family, friends, and fluffy creatures.

I am always working on ten thousand projects at once, but right now my website is my #1 priority. is a lifestyle and faith portal for those creative spirits interested in living life against the grain! Check it out and tell me what you think!

Also, my e-newsletter subscribers get freebies from my music and ebook releases. (;

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  • Work
    • Entrepreneur
  • Education
    • Bachelor