Denise Cavanough


The way I support people to clear their clutter is an holistic approach. This approach gets you to look at your life as a whole and not as seperate parts. The clutter in our homes can be a reflection of what is truly going on, like a mini snapshot of our entire life.

When we feel what is under the clutter and let it go we are choosing a new foundation. It is as simple as pulling the plug, complications can go down the drain, they no longer have a hold on you. As you start to build a new foundation in your home you will notice instantly if an old pattern tries to sneak in, it will stand out clearly as your new foundation has created a flow to your home that any ripple of complications will be seen like flashing red lights. Our homes are a true reflection of us, how we live in every way.

As you go through the house building a new way of being, you will notice that you are also building a deeper love for yourself.

Another area that I support is Wardrobe Makeovers for Woman. This area for me is the fun area, seeing women loss 20 years as they start to peel back the ideals and beliefs that have been governing them with what they choose to wear, discover the sassy, sexy, gorgeous women that is there waiting to be discovered, this is your true reflection not the ideals and beliefs that have been running you for lifetimes.

Who would have thought that when you get dressed you are telling the world far more about yourself then you could have imagined !

I would never have looked at life in this way without having been inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. This approach is all about connecting to ourselves first before we consider anything else, from this connection we can start to uncover patterns that we have used to complicate our lives. By making self loving choices and caring for ourselves in every way, be it in our homes or in our lives we can reflect a love, care and simplicity that we naturally come from.

: Phone: 0411 886 024

  • Work
    • Living Expression