Derek Moment

Derek Moment

“DEREK MOMENT AND MOMENT7 set a new standard for the “Neo-Psychedelic Orchestral Folk-Art-Rock genre ... profoundly original yet incorporating elements of rock’s rich past."

“Haunting, hypnotizing, melodic and ... DEEP!! I'm both moved to tears and enraged by anger. And oddly relaxed and overjoyed at the same time. Or perhaps it's my Xanax... not quite sure ... "

"... Substantive while not afraid of bland superficiality. My heart was moved; my insides were stirred. Never will I be the same, nor will be my pacemaker or septic tank. Bravo, Hip-Hip Hooray, and....Neato! Five Stars. An Absolute Classic. In summary, really Quite Pleasant!”

~~~~~~ Review by Professor Vlad T. Impaleroni, PhD, Publisher, “Progessive Rocking Mother Folker Magagine.” Dr. Impaleroni holds distinguished professorships in rock music history at U.C. Berkeley and Harvard University. Professor Impaleroni also hosts the PBS Series "Writing About Music is Like Dancing About Architecture." (Excerpted from the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF APPLIED MUSICOLOGICAL MUSICOLOGY, March 2011.)


“DEREK MOMENT AND MOMENT7 are considered by music critics, many of whom are band relatives, employees, vendors, or tone deaf... as being one of the most melodic, prolific, and haunting bands to emerge from the post - Beatles / Bob Dylan / Beach Boys / Rolling Stones / Byrds / Moody Blues / Crosby Stills Nash & Young / Tiny Tim / Boxcar Willie musical era.”

~~~~~~ Review by Professor Sparkington Farquardt III, PhD, Professor of Music History, Columbia University. (Excerpted from “THE NEW YORK JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSICOLOGICAL MUSICIANSHIP, July 2012.)