Derek Rice

Writing is my passion, as well as my greatest strength. So not surpringly, I view everything I do through that lens. Copywriting, ghost writing, marketing, PR, news articles, social media - it all revolves around communicating clearly through the written word.

As an information junkie, I love trivia and random facts. I've auditioned for Jeopardy! three times, made it to the in-person test twice, and made it into the pool of potential contestants for the 2009-2010 season.

One of the best pieces of advice came from my college newspaper's faculty adviser: "You must be skeptical." If I don't know something, I'll consult my top adviser, Google. If I think someone's playing fast and loose with the facts, I'll go to Google, but I may also bring in my No. 2 adviser, Snopes.

I'm also a husband and dad, which means I'm almost constantly struggling to find a work-life balance. But like so much in life, with a little planning and effort on my part, it all works out. Always.