Derrick May
chief executive officer of Optimum Energy Partners in Dallas, TX
Derrick May background in financial analysis and portfolio management provides unique insights in all of these areas. Oil and gas investments through companies like Optimum Energy Partners are viewed as favorable due to the possibility of higher returns as more investors seek new areas to earn returns above and beyond bonds and other low-interest products. May is uniquely qualified to guide the company through the next stage of growth and investment opportunities due to her expertise in investing and managing long-term income with high return-on-investment potential and portfolio diversification.
From 2014 to 2016, May worked full-time in the financial industry while pursuing his graduate degree, a Master of Business Administration, at Southern Methodist University. Southern Methodist University is a nationally ranked private university in Dallas that is known as a global research center. It is ranked in the top 50 for Best Business Schools by U.S. News and World Report, and it has a competitive admissions process. In 2012, he received a bachelor's degree in finance and management from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. May was consistently named to the Dean's List for academic achievement during his time at OSU.