diane ram

My name is Diane Ram.

I am 43 years old, married to a wonderful man for the last 20 years, and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children.I am taking the time to write this down so other people can benefit from the life lesson I have learned just recently. My identity had become, solely and completely, a wife and mother of three.

Although, I love being those things, I was at a point in my life where I had lost myself. My entire life revolved around home and family.

So ... Who was I?

I knew I was a person who genuinely liked helping other people.
I loved organizing special days at the children's schools.
Baking and cooking and wrapping party favors and being present for events was my way of giving back. However, my efforts were not always understood as I intended.

Have You Ever Felt Like This?

What I intended as loving, caring and helpful, was sometimes mistakenly seen as manipulative, controlling, even selfish and self-serving. Talk about being lost!

I was a good wife and mother and thoroughly enjoyed being the caretaker for my family.

I thought I was a good neighbor and friend but the reactions of some around me caused me to question myself, my value as a person and my worth as a mother and caregiver.

If you have ever felt like this ... read on!

I found myself at 40 years old at a major crossroad. Having taught my children to be independent, they were old enough to care for themselves for the most part. and so they didn't need me as much. There was finally time for me to get into the work force ...

But who would want me??

Here I was ... Diane Ram ... out of the loop for 17 years.

I didn't even have the ability to put a resume together.

Pretty scary.

I had no computer experience, didn't even know how to send an email.

I felt like a dinosaur! ... I was lost! ............

Would you like to read more?

Get your personal copy of my ebook "The Evolution of the Earn At Home Mom" at www.fb.com/earnathomemom, by clicking on the corresponding link below.

I finally have something for me and more HOPE than ever!! I would love to share my personal growth journey in Network Marketing and Social Networking with anyone who would like more out of life!