Diane Diaz

Brand Strategist in Orlando, Florida

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Branding isn’t a topic that most people sit around thinking about. Many times in business the brand is a bit of an afterthought, only coming up when it’s time to design a logo or write a tagline. That’s where I’m different. You see, I’m a brand junkie. I love all things brand and branding and see most things in my day-to-day world through a brand filter; it’s just how my brain works. I notice good brands, great brands and brands that could do things better. I geek out over helping brands understand how to make a connection with their audience; to understand the little details that deliver big impact. That’s where my head lives. And because I’m also a word nerd and excel at writing I love being able to communicate a brand’s emotion through a well crafted story. I get really jazzed about finding ways to make words work for a brand, whether it’s crafting an amazing tagline, beefing up a mission statement or coming up with a name.

I also spent nine years as a marketing director in the land development industry where I directed the marketing and branding efforts and built strategic marketing plans, business plans and market analyses which gives me a level of business and marketing knowledge that backs up my brand expertise.

Now, I teach entrepreneurs, business owners, and professional how to define their personal brands to build consistent brand experiences so they can stand out in a sea of competitors.

  • Work
    • The Brand Teacher
  • Education
    • University of Central Florida
    • University of West Florida