Michael Dinsmore

Boston MA

Agile development and management of advanced technologies, application development, data management and high-throughput processes relating to sample handling, genotyping, gene expression and genome sequencing. Beyond handling big data, I work on assorted woodworking projects in my workshop. My woodworking has been on CNN, Gizmodo, Apartment Therapy, Washington Post and other media outlets. I also like to dabble in NFC and Android develpment (see http://mhealth.jmir.org/2014/2/e26/, Efficiency and Usability of a Near Field Communication-Enabled Tablet for Medication Administration and http://www.rfidjournalevents.com/live/session?153, Improving Hospital-Based Medication Administration Using NFC). As if that wasn't enough, I enjoy exploring the great outdoors with hikes in the White Mountains and other locations.

  • Work
    • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard