Disco Grills
Breckenridge, Colorado
Disco Grills
Breckenridge, Colorado
Welcome to the wonderful world of what we Americans call BBQ!!
159,000,000 Americans gather around Grills and BBQ's with friends and family every year to share good spirits and great food!!
Disco Grills was created Jan. 1st, 2013 at Copper Resort Colorado. This is where the first prototype was built and it has proven to be a huge success!! You can look at Disco Grills as the Muscle Car of Grills!! The Festival O-Matic!! This thing can feed an Army!!
Each grill is uniquely handmade out of high quality US steel, right here in Colorado. Every Disco runs off of propane, which is classified as a green gas. Each burner gives you the power you need, when you need it, with over 400,000 BTU's!! Works especially well at 10,000 feet where its mostly frozen half of the year. Each Disco is guaranteed to last more than a life time and give you the flexablilty you need to cook a lot of food, for a lot of people, quick!!