Rachel Pearson


Well, what can i say...erm...I've made loads of mistakes and I continue to make them; I don't make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to make sure. At least im accepting this about myself; I'm kinda socially inept you could say, I constantly get things wrong, but I try to be the best person i can be. I do have a blog which I'll put the address too later, I'm still unsure whether to link any of my social network sites to my blog. It is in my nature to be honest and not care what others say, but I've lost a lot of confidence lately in my fellow human beings. I believe that what I have to say could really help someone or at least show someone whom might be going through the same thing that they're not alone and it's ok to talk openly about their experiences. If anyone judges me well that's their problem, I guess; I talk a good game but I'm the worst for not being able to follow what I preach; where as in the past I would believe that my failure to follow my own advice was in most part down to lazy ness but as it turns out I'm suffering from depression and anorexia which effects my life in a very pronounced way answering lots of questions as to the way I feel and behave...

  • Education
    • Barlby High School
    • Liverpool John Moores University