DL Hammons

Writer and Business Analyst in Arkansas

DL Hammons

Writer and Business Analyst in Arkansas

Read my blog

DL Hammons wrote his first piece of fiction decades ago…to impress a girl (it was moderately successful) and hasn't looked back.

Growing up as a military brat, DL moved around quite a bit as a kid. After graduating from LSU and raising a family in several southern states, he now makes his home in Central Arkansas where he has spent the last dozen years perfecting his voice, splitting his writing time between YA and Adult Mystery/Suspense. Other than being an author, DL claims that the most interesting thing about him is that he lacks a sense of smell. Other passions include (but are not limited to) his family (including his mini-Australian Sheppard) music, movies, video gaming, and cool weather camping.

Once a year DL hosts a contest for aspiring writers entitled WRiTE CLUB on his popular blog.

His debut suspense novel Knight Rise is out now.

  • Education
    • Louisiana State University