Dave Meeker


I am currently work as A Vice President and oversee the global innovation efforts across Isobar's 43 markets as the head of Isobar NowLab. I am responsible for steering the innovation process, research & development of emerging technologies related to digital customer experience and managing partner relationships with a variety of industry players. I also manage my own client relationships, providing strategic direction and leadership.

I am passionate about the persuit of new technologies and studying how we can apply them to make people happier, solve real problems and merge them with the day to day experiences had by individuals.

I have deep expertise in the process of innovation, experience design and emerging technology and work with our global clients to help them with product and service strategy, often leading to new product development and business transformation.

I like to make stuff and have a real appreciation for how comedy and art can be used as an interface to the hard issues that we face as a society.

I love what I do and find great rewards in working with smart, kind, interesting and passionate people - those who want to change the word in their own little way.

If that jives with you, than please reach out.