Doug Hecker

Scottsdale, AZ

Business Consultant & Coach at 2 Excel Now ★ MAP Vital Factors Partner ★ Scottsdale Business Wealth Club Mentor ★ Kolbe Certified Consultant

I am a business consultant & coach and I help small, medium and start up companies develop or refine their unique selling position, product staircase, and in-bound client acquisition, conversion, & retention strategies and tactics.

I work with clients on developing their “Strategic Planning Blueprint” and “Fastest Path to Cash” tactics and then coach and consult them along the way to success.

MAP Vital Factors is often described as challenging, inspiring, and life changing; the MAP Program is a blueprint for success. This unique process has accelerated business performance of over 170,000 business leaders through a personalized approach that addresses the unique needs of each individual participant and their organization.
You will become a more effective leader and gain practical tools that produce immediate results. You will unlock the power of your team through goal alignment, accountability, and execution. As your MAP Coach & Consultant I will be with you every step of the way, preparing, coaching and supporting you from planning to execution.

In addition to 2 Excel Now I serve as the Club Mentor for the Scottsdale Business Wealth Club. The Scottsdale Business Wealth Club is a premier professional business community for entrepreneurs and business owners who want brand new business ideas & strategies, and new business relationships.

The Business Wealth Club is focused on helping business owners of all sizes to accelerate their Sales, Profits and Success.

I am a certified Coach from The Coach Training Alliance and a Certified Kolbe Consultant. The Kolbe Index has turned the old adage “trust your instincts” into a cutting-edge business & workplace strategy.

I am a goal driven, dedicated and successful professional with over 25+ years of experience at two Fortune 500 multi-unit retail corporations.

My wife Pauline and I live in the Scottsdale with our yellow lab, Lily.

  • Work
    • 2 Excel Now
  • Education
    • Certified Coach, Certified Map Vital Factors Consultant, Kolbe