Doug Roberts-Author

Portsmouth, Ohio

Doug Roberts-Author

Portsmouth, Ohio

Author of the book "The Man Who Fooled SAVAK", an epic tale of romance and suspense, living in Iran 1971-1972. It's 1971. As a former anti-war activist against the war in Vietnam, you're now a draftee in the U.S. Army assigned to work in a classified message center in Tehran, Iran. As the weeks and months pass you are surrounded by evidence that the regime you are supposed to be serving is corrupt and propped up by one of the most brutal secret police forces in modern times. You know this because your girlfriend's family is feeling SAVAK's repression. And, you're caught in the middle. Even after the Staff Judge Advocate attempts to kick you out of the Army, and then later threatens you with court marshal, what do you do? Highlights on line here:

  • Work
    • FTM - Follow the Money think tank
  • Education
    • Upper Arlington High School
    • Kent State University
    • Central Ohio School of Massage