Dr. Bernadette Merricks
Doctor and Volunteer in Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Bernadette Merricks
Doctor and Volunteer in Atlanta, Georgia
I am a doctor of Chiropractic and volunteer currently living in the metro Atlanta area, Georgia. I have a long history of placing service to others ahead of my personal goals. I am a past Girl Scout of 10 years, past church choir member of 7 years, and past junior usher board member of 5 years. More recently I served in the ministry room, women of virtue touch group leader, and prayer center volunteer. I am also interested in cats, sewing, and painting. As a youth in elementary school I was selected for the gifted and talented art class and my painting were displayed at the local library. In Junior high school my teacher suggested I become a seamstress due to the flawless details of my dress projects. I am a cat lover although growing up I owned a dog, turtle, and a goldfish. I began my studies of liberal arts and sciences at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ at the age of 22. After graduating from Rahway High School with honors in the top 20% of my class I decided to delay going away to college in order to stay home with my elderly parents and a father diagnosed with Mesothelioma. At the age of 24, I decided to become a Chiropractor and began my pre-med studies at Life University, Marietta, GA. During my pre-med studies I lost my father to lung cancer, but I continued my persuit to become a Chiropractor. I am a member of the Georgia Chiropractic Association and active volunteer of the Membership, Convention, and Life University Scholarship Committees. I currently sit on the GCA Board of Directors. I am a LifeForce 1000 Doctor our goal is to inspire more people to become Chiropractors and establish worldwide access to Chiropractic and Chiropractic education. My interests range from travel to shopping. My passion is to help individuals stay healthy, get out of pain, and live a long strong functional life. I can be seen weekly throughout the community giving my health talk "How to stay young the first 100 years!"
http://www.back2healthatl.com You can click the button above to visit my company website.