Dr. James McInnis

Doctor of Medicine in Essa, Ontario, Canada

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Dr. James McInnis is a lieutenant (N) in the Canadian Armed Forces and a distinguished physician with family and emergency medicine certifications. Over his career, he has spent ten years focusing on emergency and trauma medicine and 16 years practicing as a family physician. Beyond his medical commitments, he is a devoted father to four, an avid athlete, a Navy reservist, and an active community volunteer.

He was born and raised in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, as the oldest of four siblings. From a young age, he participated in various sports, including hockey, baseball, tennis, and golf, showcasing his athletic prowess in Junior A hockey and attracting attention from the Boston Red Sox as a potential baseball pitcher. His athletic activities continued into his adult years with a passion for weightlifting.

His work ethic developed early, beginning with a paper route at the age of ten and advancing to his first full-time job at McDonald’s when he was thirteen.

Educationally, his background is extensive and diverse. He earned his BBA from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1992, after which he took a period to explore the United States. He achieved a BSc (Honors) in Biochemistry and Genetics from Dalhousie University in 1997 and an Epidemiology Certification in 2002 from the same institution. He enrolled in Dalhousie Medical School in 2000, graduating with a Doctor of Medicine degree in 2004. His Emergency and Family Medicine postgraduate training was completed at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

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  • Education
    • Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scot
    • Dalhousie University
    • McMaster University