Dr. Tofunmi Ogunronbi
Project Manager, Small Business Owner, and Consultant in Ogun
Dr. Tofunmi Ogunronbi
Project Manager, Small Business Owner, and Consultant in Ogun
Tofunmi Oludayo Ogunronbi is the Managing Director and CEO of Imperial Glamour Nigeria Ltd a Managing Consulting firm and Oil & Gas Servicing Company with several units covering Oil & Gas Trading, Marine logistics, Heavy Duty Lift & Civil Construction. Previously, he was the Commercial Director of Pebbles Energy Ltd, Regional Manager of Danmadu Oil and Gas and Head of Business Development & Operations with Sunny-Ebi Multi Systems Ltd.
Tofunmi is a speaker, consultant and an entrepreneur. He writes, counsels and speaks on Youth empowerment and Business Development. He has great passion for promoting the youths in our present generation.
He is a graduate of accounting from the prestigious Crawford University and later proceeded for a professional diploma KNOWME certification course at University of Applied Sciences, Lubeck, Germany in Maritime Logistics & Supply Chain Management, He had his master certification from London Graduate school in Business management & Leadership. He was awarded with honorary doctoral degree in Business Administration (specialization in Oil & Gas) from commonwealth university, He was also awarded a leadership certification with African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD). He is presently studying Advance professional diploma in Marine Engineering & Ship Superintendency with Lloyd's Maritime Institute.
He has over 12years of experience in the consulting and oil & gas industry. Tofunmi is a fellow-institute of management consultant(FIMC), certified management consultant (CMC), Fellow-Institute of Debt Recovery Practitioners of Nigeria (FIDR), member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), member of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), member of International association of marine & shipping professional(IAMSP), student member of Lloyds Institute of Maritime.
He is one of the Board of Trustees for advocacy of quality, basic and sustainable education (AQBaSE). Also, he is a Director with Asurj Energy Nigeria Limited, Stepex Global Nigeria Ltd, and Brian De-Unicorn Consult. He was the Pioneer Financial Secretary and Co-Founder of Crawford Students Press Club in Crawford University. He was appointed as the pioneer National Secretary of Nigerian Youths Democratic Party (NYDP). He was also appointed member of National Rescue Movements Presidential Screening and Convention committee.