Dr Carolyn Dean
Chief Executive Officer in Maui, Hawaii
Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor, nutritionist, naturopath and renowned and prolific medical author. Graduating in 1978 from Dalhousie Medical School, Dr. Dean has been working in medicine and health for over 40 years, and is a recognised expert on magnesium deficiency and supplementation and other magnesium related illnesses.
Having worked in the field of magnesium deficiency for over 15 years, Dr. Carolyn Dean is the leading expert on the subject and is also the author of the definitive book on the subject, The Magnesium Miracle.
Dr. Dean is the owner and CEO of a company that manufactures high quality supplements that have been designed to maintain optimum health. The company was established in 2014 to address the lack of availability of a fully absorbed magnesium supplement, which the company created as its first 100% absorbable product, ReMag.
Dr. Dean’s ReMag revolutionised the industry standard, moving away from magnesium oxide – which is only 4% absorbed by the body – to a fully absorbed form that is absorbed at the cellular level in its stabilised ionic form. Her company has released a range of fully absorbed formulas, including ReMag Oral Liquid, ReMag Lotion, ReMyte, ReAline, RnA Drops, ReCalcia, Flora Revive and Whole C ReSet.
Dr. Carolyn Dean continues to work in health and wellbeing, and her research includes more than 65 diseases that are related to magnesium deficiency, such as cardiovascular issues, chronic infection, osteoporosis, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stress, anxiety and depression.