Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

An Associate Professor for the Department of Surgery at New York University (NYU) Langone Medical Center’s School of Medicine, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding has also been functioning as the Director of the NYU Program for Surgical Weight Loss since 2000. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology. Following her undergraduate education, she pursued further academic and professional endeavors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, serving as a Research Assistant with the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. Afterward, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding attended Tufts University School of Medicine and earned her Doctor of Medicine. Recognized for her work in general surgery and advanced laparoscopic surgery, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding has since contributed to numerous publications discussing research and developments in weight loss surgery. Featured in peer-reviewed journals such as Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgical Endoscopy, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Obesity Surgery, and Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. Christine Ren-Field also participates in interviews with the media about the subject. She has been contacted for her knowledge on laparoscopic surgery for television spots on NY1 news, CBS News’ The Early Show’s “Weighing in on Success” episode, The Oprah Winfrey Show episode discussing gastric bypass, 20/20, FOX, and Oxygen. Additionally, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding has assisted as an expert source for fashion and lifestyle magazines such as Allure and Vogue. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding possesses a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) license and medical licenses for New York and New Jersey. Honored by her peers and colleagues, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding has received several awards, including the Dr. Theodore Barnett Memorial Resident Teaching Award, 2nd place for the SAGES 2000 Resident and Fellow Scientific Session, New York YWCA Women of Achievement Award, recognition as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor, University Healthcare Consortium’s Best Performer in Bariatric Surgery award, and many more.