Dr. Keith Miller (Virginia)
Academic Leadership in Virginia
Recognized as a leader in the higher education sphere, Dr. Keith Miller most recently served Virginia State University as president. He provided leadership through expanding research capacities and fostering enrollment growth. During his tenure at Virginia State University, Dr. Keith Miller worked to increase the number of incoming STEM students and established three-year academic programs.
Dr. Miller maintained a consistent focus on technology improvements and oversaw the implementation of a cloud technology system that included apps for calendar and scheduling purposes. He ensured that all residential and academic buildings were wireless, and spearheaded an innovative digital textbook initiative. He also led sustained growth in online course offerings.
Dr. Miller’s past experience includes a leadership position with Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. As president from 2004 to 2010, he drove improvement in a number of metrics, from ethnic minority student enrollment to overall graduation rates. Active in his community, Dr. Miller has served as chair of Pennsylvania Campus Compact and been selected as Pennsylvania Business Central, Inc.’s Entrepreneur of the Year.