Dr. Barbara Newell

Public Speaker, Life Coach, and Teacher in Dallas, TX

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Are you ready for extreme measures? Is your school distrcit ready for real solutions? Does bad behavior, scripted curriculum, and poor attention rob teachers at your school of enthusiasum and creativity? How we teach in this century cannot be the same as the last. Teaching needs to stay up with the latest reseach in engagement, emotioons, sparking interest, and best practice. I have studied my entire life to discover what makes humans want to learn more. I devised a program unlike any other. This is take charge of your classroom! This is about the most important part of the equation--teachers! This is staff development like you have never seen before-I mean never! Teacher-leaders are supported during the inter-active conversant staff-development intensive training process. Once teachers experience Extreme Teaching they will change the way they think about how humans learn, why they learn, and what they do to support the learning process!

  • Work
    • Educational Options
  • Education
    • Doctorate in Education