Drones Fella

best drones in Grand Rapids, Michigan

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So you might be wondering how was this website brought to life? Well, the answer to this question is quite simple – a couple of college friends (who were the biggest tech nerds the world has seen) decided to take up a new hobby… DRONES! It all started when we gathered our money and bought our very first drone. It was, of course, the original Phantom by DJI which costed a hefty sum of money back then. Needless to say, we were so amazed by the possibilities and the fun it provided us with, so we went ahead and bought another one. Our second drone was Parrot Bebop, the smartphone-powered acrobatic little fella. After getting our second flying toy, we decided it would be a good idea to form this page and start our miniature drones’ business. That meant we needed to buy more drones, which was probably the easiest decision we ever made. Talk about connecting your hobby to your business….

And now, almost 2 years after our little endeavor, we are here with this awesome page with which we are trying to help people. As you probably realized by know (the only logical outcome, if you have actually stumbled upon this website), the drones’ market can get quite tricky, especially if you do not know what you are looking for. There are so many different drone models with varying sizes, specifications and features, it’s no wonder people get confused all the time. But that is exactly what this website is meant for – helping those who are searching for the best drones to suit all of their needs. Don’t be shy, take a look around our page and check out some of our lists that feature the best drones in various categories. There is definitely something you will really enjoy!