Just Me


This is a Conservative political blog. The Administrator writes under MY TWO SENSE, and all other posts are either re-postings from online news articles and/or commentaries. Readers may comment on any subject as long as the comment is without hate and unacceptable language. Any post, in part or in full, as long as permission is obtained from the original author, may be copied and pasted, and sourced with website link and author. Nothing from this website may be used for commercial or personal gain. Any post under MY TWO SENSE can be reposted as long as it is not for commercial gain, clearly dispays the source link, and sites the author. We believe the above rules fall under the Fair Use Act rules and regulations.

Administrator is retired, cherishes privacy, is a Constitutional Conservative, anti-Obama, DC corruption, and people without the courage to stand up and speak out against the myriad injustices perpetrated by the Obama administration. Administrator's montra; Stand Up and Speak Out about injustices, child abuse, and Constitutional high crimes and treason.

Administrator has very little tolerance for those who will not defend their country against unConstitutional actions taken by the government. And the Administrator has no tolerence for those who are "too busy" with family and job to get involved. We are at war with government corruption at the highest degree in our history, and we are at war with Islam. Both are out to destroy America, and this Administration has done most of the dismantling of our infrastructure, and now, it is helping Muslim extremists murder American citizens without due process, probable cause, and without representation from an attorney. Pick your side, and jump into the fray.

Just Me

  • Work
    • Retired
  • Education
    • Masters Degrees