Dustin Chambers

With a mixed background of psychology, design, and human factors, I am a passionate practitioner of a user-centered design.

Based out of Denver, Colorado, I am currently working at the supremely talented agency, EffectiveUI. At EUI, we provide clients with world-class customer insight, ux design and development services.

I believe that user centered design, or human centered design, has the ability to change our world for the better. As more companies from more industries begin to realize the value of focusing on the user experience, we can strive to empower people and transform lives with simplified, valuable, and even pleasurable solutions.

Born, raised, and educated in the UK. I received my MSc in Human Factors from Loughborough Univeristy in 2004 before returning to the DC area to cut my ux teeth at UserWorks. After a stint as a freelance designer on the West coast working for some amazing clients including working at the Samsung ux lab, I settled in Denver with my beautiful wife and daughter, and two pups. Also a borderline fanatical Newcastle United FC supporter.

Clients include; Amtrak, AstraZeneca, NIST, Thales, NASA, Hautelook, Local.com, Samsung, The North Face, Oakley, Ogilvy, Water for People, Boeing...