Andwele Coore

A humble musician with a passion to speak to everyone in this universal language we all know as music. He loves creating music and collaborating with other talented musicians. Although as a musician he has learned to appreciate ALL types of AUTHENTIC music, GOSPEL will always be where his Heart is. Andwele Coore was born in Brooklyn, New York on Miller Avenue. He stayed there until he reached the age of 6 years old and then moved to New Haven, Connecticut. While he lived in Connecticut he realized the depth of his musical aspirations that started back home in Brooklyn. He was born and raised in church and starting teaching himself to really play the piano since the older and more experienced musicians didn’t care to or couldn’t make time to teach them. His mother was never able to afford private lessons so he continued to teach himself until people begin to notice his growing skill. He continued his pursuit in music also playing and learning more being enrolled in a performing arts middle school (Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School) and high school (Cooperative Arts and Humanities), where he learned to play jazz and different types of music opposed to just gospel. He began to be very inspired by the pianist Oscar Peterson. In his sophomore year in high school he heard about Berklee College of music. After doing research he found that this is where he wanted to go. After a establishing a very good resume musically, and academically Andwele was accepted into Berklee College of music and started his first semester fall 2011. Some of his greatest achievements were playing for some of the people he has always looked up too. Such as renowned gospel artist such as James Hall, Hezekiah Walker, Jamal H. Bryant, (preacher) Jazz sensation T.S. Monk, Yale University jazz performers, and many more.