Elisa Crye

Consultant in Manhattan, New York

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Starting her career in Pastry at the Michelin starred restaurant Takashi in Chicago, Elisa has successfully skilled herself as a Fine Dining & Hospitality expert.

She has lent her talents to several acclaimed restaurants including Sepia Chicago and Amass in Copenhagen, Denmark. She has also assisted in opening many restaurants including RM Champagne Salon in Chicago. While at RM working alongside Jason Wagner and Mel Muoio, Elisa discovered her passion of fusing style, design, food and hospitality.

In 2013, Elisa was recruited to New York City to assist in opening Fung Tu along side her good friend and mentor Jason Wagner. With Fung Tu Elisa has been featured in New York Magazine, New York Times, and a woman's fashion and lifestyle magazine Verily.

Elisa currently works at Cafe Boulud NY, and is the Dining Editor for the Daily Globe UK. She is a contributing writer for Taste, Travel & Trends, and recently has been involved with the boutique communications agency Wine & Co.

You can follow her savoring life on instagram @elisacrye

Inspired by Elsa Maxwell; Elisa certainly knows "How to do it, or The Lively Art of Entertaining."

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