Eddie Sitt
Medical entrepreneur in New York, NY
Eddie Sitt
Medical entrepreneur in New York, NY
"Eddie Sitt is a businessman and entrepreneur from New York City. Sitt is the current CEO of Wizard Research Laboratories, a medical device company situated in Brooklyn.
Sitt has been the CEO of Wizard Research since 2016.
Wizard Patents Please Me L.L.C./Wizard Research Laboratories CEO Eddie Sitt has patented the Dry Eye Breakthrough, a cutting-edge Dry Eye Mask that has been shown to drastically improve dry eye symptoms.
Almost all of the 1000 people who took part in the study reported a significant improvement in their dry eye problems.
In addition, over 77% claimed their quality of life had improved, and over 37% said they had stopped using prescription eye drops.
In short, Wizard Research Laboratories' one-of-a-kind technology is upending the dry eye industry and changing how dry eye problems are addressed and managed.
According to Eddie Sitt and Wizard Research, three health insurance companies have agreed to cover the product by 2024.
A portable nebulizer, glucose monitors, and a cutting-edge blood pressure monitor are all available from Sitt and Wizard Research.
The charge is being led by a lawyer with experience in this field.
Eddie Sitt was the CEO of Sitt Asset Management from 2010 to 2016.
From 2006 through 2009, Sitt was a Principal Managing Partner at Sultzer Law Group. From 1997 through 2006, he worked as a Senior Patent Counsel at Lathan & Watkins.
International Business and Trade (1991), Engineering (1994), and Intellectual Property Law (1995) are her Harvard University degrees (1995). (1996). (1997). "