Eddie Stivers
Eddie Stivers is aware that nowadays, getting insurance is very important in order to prepare for you and your family's future. Some of the policies or financial assistance plans with Eddie Stivers include life insurance, dental insurance, critical illness insurance, short term insurance and a lot more.
Eddie Stivers knows that the best insurance policy for you to avail would be an individual health insurance. This is a medical insurance that is able to cover people who do not belong in a group plan. Eddie Stivers is aware that major medical insurance companies can offer very comprehensive long-term or even permanent healthcare policy coverage. This policy is able to give insurance benefits to the family members or dependents of the insurance holder. In addition, insurance services of this type include vision and dental benefits, provider discounts as well as drug and office visit co-pays.
This type of insurance is very suitable for people who are not eligible to apply for a group plan. It is also highly beneficial for self-employed, part-time employee and even the unemployed. Lastly, it is also very appropriate for those who plan to retire at an early age.