Eden Dales, M.S.W. R.S.W.
Small Business Owner and Therapist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I am a registered Social Worker and have a small private practice in Toronto, located at Yonge and St. Clair.
I have 6 social workers in my practice, all masters level trained. We provide assessment and counselling services in both the community and office.
We specialize in supporting individuals and families recovering from motor vehicle trauma, adjusting to catastrophic injuries including physical and neurological injury (Acquired Brain Injury). We provide assessments, counselling and prepare reports. We provide psycho-education, and also complete medical legal assessment reports.
We are trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, adjustment Counselling and assessment.
The private practice offers counselling services to individuals, couples and families coping with learning difficulties, ADHD, conflict, disabilities, injury, illness, anxiety, depression, stress and trauma.
I am a member in good standing of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW Reg# 806569). I am also a member in good standing of the CADDRA (Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance).
I have 15 years of experience working in hospitals and community settings, supporting families recovering from trauma.
Areas of Expertise:
ADHD management and education, In-Home ADHD Organizational & Counselling Program, Couples Therapy (Specialized Training RLT), Grief/Trauma Counselling (Both MVA and Non-MVA) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) , stress management, mood disorders, anxiety, panic, depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Adjustment counseling, education and Counselling around learning disabilities, concussions, acquired brain injury, specialized counselling for adolescents and young adults, parenting education and support,