Ed Lhee

Partner and Private Equity in Wilmette, Illinois

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Ed Lhee, a co-founder of New Harbor Capital, has dedicated his professional life to supporting driven and innovative entrepreneurs. His belief in the power of lower-middle market private equity to elevate small businesses guides his mission to assist owners eager to succeed. His backstory is a vital component of his drive, fueling his passion for making a significant impact in the business world.

Ed was initially raised by his grandparents and other relatives in Seoul, South Korea, while his parents prepared a new life for them in the United States. This arrangement left him feeling somewhat like an "orphan" yet provided him with a rich tapestry of family experiences that taught him the importance of adaptability and deep human connections.

Ed moved to the United States at seven years old, starting his new life in Chicago before moving to its northern suburbs. He attended New Trier High School, where he was actively involved in team sports like basketball and baseball. These activities gave him crucial insights into how teams operate, the impact of individual personalities on team effectiveness, and the importance of a strong team culture in achieving success.

For his higher education, Ed chose the University of Pennsylvania, where he attended the Wharton School of Business and the College of Arts and Sciences. He earned degrees in finance and psychology, focusing on microeconomics and human behavior. This combination of disciplines enhanced his strategic thinking and improved his ability to connect with people from various backgrounds.

Ed's professional journey began earnestly at Morgan Stanley, working within their M&A and Corporate Finance Groups. This role provided him with foundational skills in investment banking and private equity, sharpening his financial analysis skills and introducing him to complex business operations. He further developed these skills at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, where he earned his MBA in 1997.

Despite attractive offers in investment banking and consulting, Ed pursued his true passion in private equity. He diligently searched for the right opportunity when he joined Code Hennessy & Simmons in Chicago. There, he deepened his investment expertise and cultivated a keen passion for supporting strong business leadership.

  • Education
    • Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Manage
    • University of Pennsylvania