Edmonton Christian Schools
Education in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The Edmonton Society for Christian Education has provided inter-denominational, Christ-centred education in the Edmonton area since 1949 and has partnered with Edmonton Public Schools since 1999. Edmonton Christian Schools currently serves over 1,400 students at three locations. Our mission: Responding to God's grace, Edmonton Christian Schools challenge students, through Christ centred education, to actively play their role in God's story
We have big dreams for our students. We dream that we can help them to find their place in God's story. We dream that they will, both now and in the future, be people who do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with their God (Mic 6:8). We dream of our graduates as doctors and drivers, machinists and moms, lawyers and lab assistants, tiles setters and teachers, . . .who know and live lives of love and renewal and in doing so, are God's healing and light in a world so often shattered with brokenness.
Learn more about Edmonton Christian Schools at: www.edmchristian.org