Ed Weissman

Programmer, Writer, Cartoonist in the United States

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Ed Weissman writes software, books about writing software, comics about writing software, and software that writes books and comics about writing software. He has written over a million lines of code in a thousand applications for 80 companies. Some of it even worked. He has written two frameworks, four ERP systems, and hundreds of custom solutions that saved millions of dollars for his customers, many of whom actually managed to stay in business.

He has taught and peer reviewed thousands of others in person, offshore, and online. Some of them even listened to him. He's a real stickler about clean code and hates overly long conditionals, useless recursions, anything said twice, and anything said twice. He never doesn't hate double negatives. He especially hates when things are not named properly, at least according to his son DataGridSave. But most of all, he hates early ex

He is drawn to the critical path, focusing on getting the most important thing done without regard to convention, ease, or "coolness". He doesn't understand when others don't understand this and really doesn't like when others, especially managers, refuse to learn it. He hates platitudes and cliches but loves getting the most bang for his buck, shifting paradigms and enabling synergies by grabbing the low hanging fruit, all without vomiting.

He's been a frequent commentator on Hacker News, Twitter, and in any bar where someone else is buying. He hates writing in the third person, but has no choice because none of his family or friends can get out of rehab long enough to say something nice about him.

He is not a team player, so he had to create his own team. Check them out at eddiots.com.

He codes better than he draws, so his comics are software generated. Check them out at patreon.com/edweissman, along with his ebooks at gumroad.com/edweissman.