Edward Kariti

Art Director and Artist in Boston, Massachusetts

Edward Kariti

Art Director and Artist in Boston, Massachusetts

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Edward Kariti was born on June 11, 1966 in Boston, Massachusetts. He first emerged to art scene as an abstract painter but soon rejected the style and began experimenting with various mediums and methods, in order to find the style that suits him the best. Kariti's work is mainly based on avoiding the traditional, object-based art materials, and cutting down the distance between the artist and the audience.

Kariti pursued his interest in art, and graduated from New York’s School of Visual Art with a bachelor in fine arts. His work has been exhibited within and outside the United States. Edward’s paintings have especially been appreciated in Europe, with selling prices that most artists could only dream of. Apart from creating art, he has always been interested in writing about it, and last year he had the privilege to write and publish his first book, a theory of art and its connection in today’s modern society.

  • Work
    • Kariti Production