Luiz Eduardo

Infosec Enthusiast in Somewhere in Time

Luiz Eduardo

Infosec Enthusiast in Somewhere in Time

Listen to my podcast

Like many others, I morphed into security through a strong computer networking background and kind of being a Wi-Fi whisperer in the mid 2000s. But my "interest" in hacking goes back to the early 90s, messing with BBSs, other dial-up technologies and Novell Netware stuff.

For the past decade I have been building and leading highly-skilled security teams in services and product companies and also served as the CSO for a data analytics company. Today I am the Security Chief Technology Officer at HPE Aruba Networking. I am still passionate in researching anything infosec related in my spare time (usually inside planes and airports). And it is not uncommon for me to present some of these findings and thoughts at infosec and hacker conferences. I also like attending these conferences to learn from the smart people.

I enjoy contributing to the hacker community, so I do it in different ways: I do volunteer work for the DEF CON NOC lead ShmooCon Labs. I am part of the CFP committee for DEF CON and a handful of other well-known conferences.

And, I am one of the founders of the coolest security conference in Brazil:

Leaving the IT geekness aside, I am an avid amateur photographer, a runner and I like good food.

I also like beer, lately enjoying the good old IPAs. And for a while I was out episodes of a beer/ travel podcast for infosec geeks (normal people might also enjoy it)

  • Work
    • Aruba